Paul Loeb van zuilenburg (1926-2017)

List of works

11 Duets (1995)

Instrumentation: Saxophones (Originally for oboe)

Konzertstuek (1998)

Instrumentation: Soprano saxophone and strings

Saxolo (2003)

Instrumentation: Tenor saxophone and piano

Mini Suite

Instrumentation: Soprano, alto and tenor saxophone

Source: Britz, E. 2017. "Reus 'n musiekwêreld" in SA sterf. Netwerk 24 [Online], 16 February. [2023, 5 Septemeber].

About the composer...

Paul Loeb van Zuilenburg was a Dutch-South African composer, conductor, music pedagogue and pianist.

In 1948 he began his studies at the Amsterdam Conservatory and later studied for a year at the Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris. In 1954 he emigrated to South Africa.

In 1960, Van Zuilenburg was lecturing at the Conservatorium for music in Pretoria and between 1962-1969 was the director at the same institution. He began his studies for his doctorate at the University of Witwatersrand. His research involved the pedagogical and formal analysis of Béla Bartók’s Mikrokosmos.

Van Zuilenburg developed an interest in the recorder, which led to the development of the recorder department at the conservatory in Pretoria.

From 1970, he began lecturing at Stellenbosch University until 1991. He had a keen interest in wind bands and founded the Stellenbosch University Concert band in 1976, as well as composing for wind bands and brass ensembles


Van Zuilenburg, Paul. SA Composers. University of Pretoria [Online]. Available: [2023, 5 September]

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