Fiona Tozer (b. 1953)
List of works
Instrumentation: Saxophone Quartet (S, A. T, Bari.)
Duration: 1:35
Programmatic information:
Programme notes provided by the composer
Dedicated to the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet
Three movement work:
I. Teunim
II. Riot
III. De-Cadence
These three miniatures are the result of playing games with selected measures from
Mozart’s Musical Dice Game (KV 516). Set in a parody of the minuet and trio form,
the application of some simple musical rules transforms the predictable into the
Instrumentation: Saxophone Quartet (S, A, T, Bari.)
Duration: 4:40
Programmatic information:
Graphic score
Programme notes provided by composer
Visual graphic scores are typically read in two dimensions, like a map. Although the use of density in the graphic creates a sense of a third dimension, the use of a photograph as a score enables the multi-dimensional aspect to be easily perceived, and allows for increased depth of interpretation. The human cognitive process automatically adds the third dimension, reconstructing the scene that the photograph had reduced to a flat image, and making composite sense of the picture. The fourth dimension can be superimposed, telling the story of how the landscape was created over time by wind and grains of sand. Human imagination can perhaps be considered as constituting a fifth dimension which projects unseen but associated ideas into the picture, like the desert life beneath the surface of the dune, vehicles on the road, or the presence of the photographer.
The landscape photograph Naukluft Mountains from Elim Dune by Merryl Riley constitutes the score for Elim Dune. The work is designed to function in one of two possible ways, each of which assigns a different level of control to performers and composer. The photograph is divided into a grid of 4 vertical sections, each allocated to one instrument, and 4 horizontal sections, each of which represents a duration of one quarter of the total time. The score is to be read from the bottom upwards.
In the case of performance option 1, the duration of the piece should be agreed on beforehand by the players, and the proportion of the horizontal sections to the total time should be maintained.
Read more about this piece here.

About the Composer...
Fiona Tozer started her music career as a singer-songwriter and guitarist. Born in England, and currently residing in South Africa, she commenced formal music studies in 2001, receiving a master degree cum laude from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2008. She has composed music for orchestra, as well as a variety of ensembles, particularly strings and saxophones. Her music has been performed in South Africa, and internationally in such countries as Lithuania, the Faroe Islands and the United Kingdom.