Owen Dalton (b. 1998)

List of works

A Pink Attitude (2019)

Instrumentation: Saxophone Quartet (S, A, T, B), drum kit, electric guitar and bass guitar

Sonatina (2020)

Instrumentation: Alto Saxophone and Piano


Programmatic information: Dedicated to Mark Michael Lynch

and so, we dance! (2022)

Instrumentation: Reed quintet


Duration: 6:32


Programmatic information: Written for the Calefax Composer’s Competition 2022

Turbulence (2023)

Instrumentation: Alto saxophone and piano


Duration: 5:05


Premier information: Premiered by Josie McClure (saxophone) and Seung-Ree Lee (piano) as one of the works at the concert entitled: Finding Home: An Exploration of New South African Saxophone Music. Erin Hall, Rondebosch. Cape Town, 14 July 2023.


Programmatic Information:

This short work for alto saxophone and piano was commissioned by UNISA in collaboration with Josie McClure’s postgraduate research on South African saxophone repertoire. It is comprised of two main ideas. The first being a rhythmic pattern based on morse code, and the second being a four-chord progression that repeats in different directions. The rhythmic pattern is formed from the morse code for J-O-S-I-E (heard clearly in the opening bars) while the chord progression is an expansion of a chord found in Schnittke’s Choir Concerto – a Gsus4 chord that moves stepwise eventually landing on a Bb^7 chord. The nature of the piece is turbulent, hence the name, and briefly explores the erratic side of human nature through contrasting tempos, rhythms, and harmonies.

Seven Reactions for Oboe and Soprano Saxophone

Instrumentation: Soprano Saxophone and Oboe


Duration: 10:36


Programmatic information:


Seven Reactions is a short seven-movement chamber work for oboe and soprano saxophone written by Owen Dalton in 2018/2019. It was initially written for a call for scores that was searching for oboe and soprano saxophone duets, but was later revised in 2022 to the current version you will hear shortly. Each movement (1-2 minutes each) reflects a specific human “reaction” while exploring the sonic combination of oboe and soprano saxophone.   The seven movements appear as follows:


I. Aggressive – insistent and forceful

II. Soporific – hypnotic and drowsy

III. Agile – acrobatic and dextrous

IV. Gentle – uneasy but calm

V. Mysterious – out-of-sync and secretive

VI. Hesitant – doubtful and small

VII. Cantankerous – argumentative and unhinged



Image and biography provided by composer

About the composer...

Owen Dalton (1998+) is a young South African composer and oboist. Currently he is completing his master’s in composition at the University of Stellenbosch researching on the sonic capabilities of the reed quintet.

Earlier this year, he was the runner-up (2nd place) in the inaugural South African Composition Competition where the Cape Town Philharmonic performed and recorded his work ‘An Animal Suite’. He was also recently commissioned to write a work for the University of Pretoria Symphony Orchestra that was performed in May this year. 

He was announced as one of the five finalists in the 2023 South African Strings Foundation Composition Competition in collaboration with Stellenbosch University, the Composer’s Symposium, and the Flat Mountain Project. 

Dalton prides himself in his ability to write for winds and enjoys writing for chamber groups or larger ensembles that include them. He also frequently performs as an oboist and English hornist around the country in various amateur and professional orchestras.

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